Monday, February 15, 2016

Quiet Valentine's Day

I hope everybody had a nice Valentine's Day. Ours was a quiet and laid-back day where we mostly did some packing and other chores that needed done. I spent the entire morning in the back yard trimming and clearing the overhanging branches from our neighbor's tree. They were drooping into the pool at the one end and required major surgery to clear:

That tree is a fast growing variety, so I hope it stays clear for the next year or so.

Josie is showing very slow progress with her Bells Palsy. Her mouth is getting more flexible, but her eye remains the real problem She also gets head pains where the virus is still present and has to take pain pills all day in order to relieve the discomfort. It will be a slow healing process, but at least there is some visible progress.

The tension is mounting over the schedule that is getting tighter each day. There is so much depending on the completion of the RV repairs. Everything else we have control over, so we are keeping our fingers crossed that the delay with the repairs doesn't result in serious problems with the rest of our schedule...

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