Sunday, August 7, 2011

Weather Disrupts Schedule

We had it all planned out to do a Self Guided Walking Tour of downtown Elizabethtown before going on to the Sam's Club there. The closer we got to town, the darker the skies became, until finally they opened up and dumped rain so hard we could hardly see to drive. So much for the walking tour. Maybe we will still do that at some point down the road. Anyway, we did our shopping at Sam's Club and got everything we needed - and more, as usual - and we are set for awhile now. The weather kind of dictated our day's activities.

Before leaving for Elizabethtown, I wanted to show just how close we are to work. Below is a shot of the view from the table where I work on the computer:

 and an even closer look where you can see the logo on the white building:

It is literally across the street from our campground, and we could walk to and from work if we wanted. Some people do walk, but the two reasons we don't are that we are so tired and sweaty after work, and the weather is unpredictable and don't want to take a chance on walking home in the rain. In addition to that, we already walk several miles while working and have had enough walking for one day. You can also see that the campground is empty - at least in this view. There are only about 8 rigs total so far in the whole campground. Obviously, when the peak season hits full throttle, all of these spaces will be filled and we will lose the view of the building. I will include a shot of the new view when that occurs.

It's back to work today at 5 PM. We still aren't quite sure yet about overtime this week as far as working a split shift or a whole shift. We will evaluate the situation by about Wednesday and decide at that point. The extra money is too good to ignore, so we will take advantage of that while we can. We are also waiting to hear when we will be moved to the day shift, so we are anxious for that to happen. See 'ya tomorrow...

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