Monday, August 29, 2011

More Reports From Grey's Point

We received another email from Bruce at Grey's Point with a further update on the damage at the campground:

"Finally got thru to Mary's cell & it was a very rough night, but those that stayed behind are safe. Mary did admit that things got quite hectic after midnight.  Last count is about 8 to 10 seasonal trailers crushed by falling trees plus many trees just down.  The marina is basically destroyed - the big fish cleaning station next to the little store is gone and most of the docks are seriously damaged or gone. There is lots of additional minor damage and it's going to take a major clean up.  That's the good news - - now for the bad - - power is out and it may be one week to 10 days to get it restored.  Don't know what Melinda and Jamie are going to do, but Larry, T, and I are heading back in the morning and hoping for the best.  We can get water anyhow, so that's good, but I'm dreading trying to sleep without A C.  Our coming back and working under those conditions, you'd think Hurly would rent a couple generators for us so we could at least cool our rigs down before going to bed, BUT I'm not holdng my breath on that happening.  I'll E you some pics of the damage when I can.  Take care, Bruce "

We thought that the marina would sustain significant damage, but are somewhat surprised at the number of park models destroyed. The storm was still near its peak power when it hit the Chesapeake Bay area, so it must have been a very scary situation for those that stayed behind. The mention of "Hurly" in Bruce's email is the owner of the campground. He is known for having tight purse strings. We will post the pictures when we receive them.

Today is our final regular day of the work week and we have decided to forego the OT this week and use the extra full day to rest. We did some work in a new area yesterday and it was tough on our bodies as the entire day was spent handling heavy totes with lots of items in each in a very tight area of the warehouse. It was nice to arrive home yesterday afternoon and take our showers. We found out that the company picnic will be held on September 24th this year at a local park in Campbellsville. Of course, it is a Saturday and we will be working so our plans are already made for that day. That's OK. Lots of others will also be working and they really cannot accommodate every employee. So, we'll put in our final day today and look forward to time off until Friday...

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