Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Still Deciding on Weekend Plans

When I began the process for purchasing tickets for the Thoroughbred Heritage Tour near Lexington for this weekend, I began to question the decision. It seems that the tour is conducted in 2 mini-vans - 8 passengers each - and the vans only pick up passengers (customers) at one of the selected, nearby hotels. There is no meeting place on the grounds of any facility. The reviews were very good, but it makes us a little nervous to commit to something that sounds more like a Hollywood actors tour on a bus, which we prefer to avoid. We may change our minds at some point, but for now we decided to pass on that. That leaves the other place we considered - the Kentucky Horse Park - and that doesn't sound like a thoroughbred horse farm, but more like a huge park, and more like a tourist attraction. We'll probably go to the Horse Park, but we don't need reservations for that, since they charge an admission fee. They do offer Horse Farm Tours, but we need to get more info on those.

One more full day of work to go this week and then the half day of overtime. We are very tired while we are working during our scheduled weekdays and don't feel much like doing anything in the little bit of spare time we have during the week. It's hard to imagine that people have been doing this everyday for years at Amazon. They are almost all younger than us, so that is one reason they can keep up this schedule. We still haven't heard from HR on when our first day on the day shift will be, or what days we will be working. We would like to work the weekend days (Fri-Mon) so that our pay would be the same as working nights. They give a weekend differential just like they do for night work, so our pay wouldn't change. We are definitely looking forward to getting back on normal sleep schedules.

There was a rumor at work that the temperatures were going to drop into the 80's this weekend and stay there awhile. It can't happen soon enough for us. It is a shame that we can't even sit outside with this stifling heat and humidity we have been having. While looking back at the weather statistics since we have arrived in late June, there have only been a handful of days where the high temperature didn't reach into the 90's. One of those was yesterday when the high was 88. Where is Shangri-La???

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