Thursday, August 18, 2011

Weather Almost Perfect

The last 2 days that we've had off have been near perfect, weather wise. We've had highs in the upper 80's and very little humidity. We even spent a lot of time sitting out for a change. The plan was to get the truck serviced yesterday but we never got an email confirmation on the appointment, and when I called, they said they couldn't fit us in the schedule. I'm sure that if it wasn't a "free" fix for us and we had to pay, they could have squeezed us in. Oh, well. We'll play their game and schedule it for next week when we have more lead time.

Josie did the small amount of laundry that we had left over from our short work week this week and we pretty much just lounged around the rest of the day enjoying the weather. We talked about doing the walking tour at Elizabethtown today, but we had a few thunderstorms go through early this morning and it still looks threatening outside this morning. We'll probably not do that trip today. The good weather seems to have disappeared for now. The weather should be getting better though as we approach September. We recall how terrific it was when we arrived in mid October last year, so it probably occurs slowly over the next couple months.

So far, we are happy with the changeover to days. We have 3 days off in the middle of the week which is obviously better for scheduling appointments. The night shift schedule had us off on Thursday through Saturday, but adjusting for different sleep times on those days was a real problem. At least we are close to the regular times with this new schedule. We've noticed that most of the new arrivals will be working the night shift which is consistent with last year. There aren't many workampers working the day shift yet, at least in the stowing area where we work. Perhaps it will change as we get closer to the "very" busy time.

We'll enjoy our final day off this week and be ready to go again tomorrow at 6 AM...

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