Monday, August 22, 2011

Different Assignments for the Afternoon

It was another day where management offered to allow workers to leave early if they chose to do so. This time, it was at 1:30 instead of 2 PM as was the case on Saturday. Let me tell you, the place seemed to have emptied out as many workers chose to end the day early. We weren't about to give up a half day. Josie and I both were assigned to work in the receiving "prep" area for the afternoon to help prepare items for stowing and eventual sale. Josie packaged blank CD cases with bubble wrap and I worked in an area where we emptied boxes of infant toys and re-packaged them for distribution. It was not quite as physical as our normal assignments, but we still had to stand all afternoon to perform the tasks. We both agreed that it's nice to do something different occasionally to break up the normal routine.

Our final, full day for the work week is today. We still will work a half day OT tomorrow, but that's a piece of cake compared to a full day. So far, we like the new schedule except we have to get up very early - for us - to get to work on time. The nice part is having our evenings to enjoy and going to bed at a near normal time. Also, our off days are on the normal schedule. It appears that one of the advantages to our weekend schedule is that we miss the madness of the weekdays that have so many more people working. Today is one of those days, so it will be especially nice to see 4:30 roll around. There's nothing else to report, so we'll close for now...

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