Sunday, August 1, 2010

Bringing in August

We have 2 full months left here in Cody before the Village closes for the winter. The month of July was a great one for us and we look forward to another great month in August. The weather was mostly beautiful in July, with .39" of rain for the entire month, spread over 8 days of measurable rain. The most rain in 1 day was on the 29th when we received .23", and on 4 of those 8 days we only had .01". The wind was not bad either. We only had 11 days of wind that had gusts exceeding 10 MPH, and the windiest day had a high gust of 16 MPH. Of course, my wind gauge was missing one of the "cups" that measures the gusts for a portion of the month, so those figures aren't totally accurate, but close enough. Once again though, it is a beautiful area weather wise.

It was another very busy day at the office yesterday with no Tours coming in, 37 cabins to sell and 27 reservations coming in. It has become a hit-or-miss stuation with the combination of people coming in but we are sold out every night, regardless of the mix of customers. It is a tremendous business for the owners (the Blairs) of these hotels, but they have to do most of their business in the summer months between May and the end of September. The cabins close for the winter, even though the Holiday Inn and the Comfort Inn are open year round, with rooms always available during the winter months. Also, Yellowstone is basically closed during the winter with most of the interior roads closed, so the main attraction in the area goes away in winter.

An easy morning is planned today before we go to work this afternoon. We need to have those occasionally in order to rest up from our play days and the busy work days. Until tomorrow.

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