Friday, August 28, 2015

Day Three With No Air Conditioning

We have been able to keep the inside temperature below the high of 94 degrees that we experienced on day two. Yesterday, we had the help of an afternoon storm that was unexpected. The winds picked up and did a little damage to one of our queen palms and it blew a lot of debris into the pool, but the main result was a downward spiral of the temperature. It was 111 degrees when the storm arrived at around 4 PM and when it ended, about a half hour later, the temperature outside was 84. That resulted in our opening all the windows and the doors and cranking up the fans to get the cooler air circulating inside. Our temperature dropped to 88 inside.

There is no further word on the repairs to our air conditioner. I called the warranty company for an update, left a message, and received no return call. I assume from that that there is no change and our parts will be due to arrive today, and when we hear from the service company a scheduled time will have to be set to perform the fix. If we are lucky, it will happen today. If we are just a bit unlucky, it will happen tomorrow. If we are really unlucky, we will have to wait until Monday for the repair which would make it one full week with no air conditioning. Unbelievable.

Our plan yesterday was to spend as much time as possible in an air conditioned environment. We went to the Arrowhead Mall and spent several hours there just walking around and trying to stay cool. We also stopped at Jersey Mike's Cheese Steak restaurant on the way to the mall to get a sub and a cheese steak. We were both disappointed this time in our sandwiches and will probably not go there again anytime soon. The strategy to stay cool at the mall worked except we spent some money that we hadn't planned on spending. That happens anytime you go to a mall, I guess. It just seems like the natural thing to do.

Josie goes back to work today for our fourth day without air conditioning and it will hopefully be a shorter one. Maybe the parts will arrive and the work will be done before the end of the day. Our fingers are crossed...

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