Thursday, February 19, 2015

First Evaluation

The most significant event yesterday was my first performance evaluation - 90 Day Evaluation - at Sam's Club. It lasted about 20 minutes and I scored 100 percent which is OK by me. It didn't carry an increase in pay with it as they don't provide pay increases until they do the 1 year evaluation which is generally conducted at the end of nine months - that is October for me. At least they aren't going to let me go anytime soon.

It was a long day at work and I arrived home at 3 PM while Josie worked her normal 8 to 4:30 day. We are getting closer to decision time about our plans for the summer and we hope to have some direction on that in the next couple weeks. There are some irons in the fire that will make it very clear, so hang in there for our plans.

I will take the new car into the shop this morning for the scratch repair that was promised to us when we bought the car. They provide a loaner car, so I will be back home for the day and return later this afternoon unless I hear from them that the work was completed earlier. The agenda for today includes more work on the taxes so the day is pretty well laid out for us...

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