Saturday, October 12, 2019

Home Again

It was a smooth transition yesterday to the new managers that came in from a lot near Las Vegas. They are back up managers within the company and have been with the company for 10 years. The biggest problem we had was figuring a way to get our RV out of the complex. I took down several sections of the fence and managed to squeeze out the RV.

The drive from the fairgrounds to home commenced at 11 AM yesterday. It was a long, long drive as we both were totally exhausted, hungry and anxious to get home. I forgot to gas up the truck until we started pulling out. Finding a gas station with about 100 miles of travel to get out of LA with only 60 miles to empty in the gas tank was a challenge. We exited at one exit on the freeway where we saw a Chevron sign and when we got to it, discovered they had not enough room for me to maneuver the truck/RV. So we drove around the area looking for one that would work. The farther we got away from the freeway, the fewer the stations were that carried diesel. So, we got back on the freeway and finally got to an exit where we could gas up. By then, I was driving with the message "0 miles to empty".

We made another stop at a rest area along the long and boring stretch of I-10 from Palm Springs to Blythe. I was beginning to feel drowsy and had to take a power nap or take a chance on falling asleep and crashing. I slept for about a half hour and was good to go again.

One more stop to gas up again in Quartzite Arizona - gas is about $1,00/gal cheaper in AZ - and we didn't get home until almost 8:00 PM.

We are so happy to be home and getting some rest. Today we will empty the trailer and try to return it to storage, clean our outside furniture, get the Escape running again and just try to collect ourselves from this experience. I have a couple photos that wouldn't download for some reason, so I'll enter those tomorrow if I can....

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