Monday, October 14, 2019

Empty RV

The task of emptying the RV was one that was much more difficult and time consuming than we had planned. When we loaded up to go to Wyoming back in May, we thought we only loaded enough for the summer months. Wrong. There was already some stuff that we had in the RV that we forgot about. In other words, we had a full RV to unload. It took us the better part of a day and a half, but we finished up at around 2 PM yesterday, took it to the storage unit, turned off the propane, turned off the refrigerator, pulled the plug on the microwave, placed the wheel covers on the tires, disconnected the battery and locked it up. It will remain there at least through the winter. We have one shot of Josie locking the door for at least the next six or seven months:

The house is now in the same shape as the day we moved in - boxes and bags of stuff all over the place. The next big task is to get everything put away that we unloaded. Maybe, someday we will be completely settled but the excitement of the RV lifestyle continues to beckon.

The pumpkin patch experience is now totally behind us. That was certainly the "extreme" of any effort we have ever undertaken.

Along with settling the inside of the house, we have just about finished getting the outside in shape again. Here is a shot of Josie finishing up the cleaning of our outdoor furniture:

The golf course looks beautiful as they are just completing the winter over-seeding and the course has been closed while that effort continues. It's good to be home....

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