Friday, May 6, 2016


There are a few things that happened yesterday to cause us to extend our departure for one day.

The first one was that Josie had a full day at the shop and by the time she left work and we stopped at storage to drop off the remaining items we were not taking on the trip and stopped for gas it was near 7 PM when we got home.

The second reason is that we are scurrying to get a decision from the employer in the Grand Teton National Park - the Moose Visitor Center - where there is an opportunity too good to pass up. They are looking for sales clerks for the Visitor Center and the pay is 50% higher than the Cody job pays. Coupled with one of the most desirable locations in all of Western Wyoming, we are attempting to get a commitment from them ASAP so that we can reject the opportunity in Cody. If it doesn't work out, we will naturally continue with the Cody opportunity. The season is shorter at the Visitor Center - May 24 to September 30 - that adds to the attraction. The later start would mean a longer stay in WA which is sorely needed at this point.

As you may or may not know, Kristine was diagnosed with stage one Cervical Cancer about two weeks ago. She had biopsies taken a few days ago and yesterday the diagnosis was changed to high stage three Cervical Cancer. That is a different ballgame and will require surgery along with Chemotherapy. She is scared, and needs us for support right now which the added time would provide for us. That news guaranteed that we would not be ready for travel today.

If we needed another reason, the weather along our planned route is not forecast to be good at all. There were high winds and rain moving into the west today and travel would have been dangerous today. The plan is now to leave tomorrow which will allow us to travel through Las Vegas on the weekend, in better weather, and not with Friday night business traffic to add to the danger.

We are trying to stay focused now on what needs to be done, so we have our work cut out for us to make everything happen as smooth as possible...

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