Sunday, March 13, 2016

Schedule Adjusted

After working three straight days at Spring Training and not having much time to do anything at our RV, we adjusted our schedule. We will work the rest of the Spring Training games at the stadium but will have Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday off the rest of the way. It isn't a dramatic change in our schedule, but it does give us an extra day off during the week. Fortunately, there are only two weeks to go in the schedule.

The RV shop called and was going to send a person out to look at our hydraulics on Monday AM. I called back and left a message that Monday would not work for us but Tuesday AM would work. I hope they get the message. Yesterday's game was the longest yet  as the Texas Rangers beat the Oakland A's, 14-5. Oakland had 5 errors and the game was very ugly. We didn't get out of the stadium until 5 PM.

It's nice to have a day off today. We will be crunching the boxes and emptying as many as we can. We also plan to take a trip to storage with some things that we will do without. It was easy to lose sight of the room we have in the RV while packing the boxes for our move. It is almost a joke to us when we look at the number of boxes we have and the little room we have left to store everything. I think we got a little spoiled while living in the house. Everything will still be there in storage when we decide to move back into the house...

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