Saturday, March 5, 2016

Reunited Again

We received the welcomed call from the RV shop at around 3 PM yesterday telling us that the RV was ready for pick-up. It was the best news in almost two months. The service manager asked us to come as soon as possible to go over all the changes and, of course, to clear our tab.

Let me tell you - driving from Glendale to Mesa at 3:30 PM on a Friday afternoon is not the most wise decision. However, we had no choice. It took us over an hour and a half to drive the approximately 40 miles. We reviewed all the changes that were made, including our new TV system that was installed yesterday, and it all  looks great. We paid our bill, hitched up and drove home. It was a slightly better (faster) trip home and we parked the rig in front of our house for the night:


Our plan now is to load up the RV with all the "stuff" that we will need for travelling and take the fifth wheel to its home for the next couple months - Pioneer RV Resort in North Phoenix. It shouldn't take more than a few hours and we expect it be at the RV Resort at around noon today.

There are still a few odds and ends that we will need to take to storage, but for the most part, everything is there that should be. We will take the rest of today to settle-in at the RV park and tomorrow we will empty the house totally.

We are almost there, and we are about ready for the property manager to take over the house...

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