Tuesday, March 25, 2014


I pretty much reached the boiling point yesterday. After being held prisoners for over one week, our holding tanks were getting full and this place had very few options for folks that were staying on their site. They have a dump where they were going to take our rig to empty the tanks but they don't provide a sewer hose or pump-out option for the customers. When we left Lake Pleasant a week ago yesterday, we just disconnected our sewer hose and left it on site as we were only anticipating, possibly, a couple nights away. They suggested I purchase a hose in their store. Now, how much sense does it make to purchase a second sewer hose for just one use? I figured I would drive up to Lake Pleasant and grab our hose if necessary.

Here are a couple shots of the exercise they went through trying to figure out how to raise our jacks with no hydraulics:

and the eventual attempt to pry the rear jacks upward into the raised position:

They finally discussed the list of repairs with the extended warranty company and that was even more of a joke. The net of our one week of frustration is that only the holding tank valve replacement will be covered. They claim that the slideout problem - and the hydraulics problem - are both a result of hidden damage in our floor (news to us) and are not covered under the warranty. So, $4500 of "necessary" repairs are not covered and we aren't going to get any of that work done.

The hydraulics problem is clearly covered by the mobile tech company that originally replaced our hydraulics pump. They are balking at standing behind their 90 day warranty for parts and labor as they don't believe the problem was in the replacement of the pump. Well, they were the ones that created this hydraulics problem in the first place when they replaced the leaking hydraulics line in late January. I give up. I offered to purchase the pump ($315) if they (ASAP Mobile Tech) would perform the installation at no charge. They agreed, and I purchased the pump through Amazon.com and it will be delivered on Thursday. In the meantime, we have to somehow get our rig back to Lake Pleasant and try to force the slides open and the jacks down so that we can once again live normally until the pump is installed. Today should be an interesting day as the holding tank valve will be installed. Guess what - they have to empty and clean the holding tanks in order to perform the valve replacement.

I am thinking about writing a no nonsense letter to the RV magazines warning the RV community about this place. I have never seen such disgraceful treatment of customers, in any business, at any location...

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