Monday, September 23, 2013

Possible Snow on the Way

The forecast for this week is not encouraging. It will get progressively cooler each day, with increasing chances for precipitation until at least Sunday. In fact, Thursday calls for a 70% chance of precipitation with a high only in the 40's, and a low of 27. The precipitation could include snow. We had hoped for some warmer and clear weather to finish up our activities for this season, but I guess we will just wait and see what develops.

We are beginning to say farewells to folks that we work occasionally with at the lodge and that come in regularly with tours that are winding down. The Caravan bus tours are the ones we see every day, and the regular Tour Directors are making their final trips to Jackson this week. We get to know each of these Tour Directors during the season as they come through on a weekly basis. Our favorite one was in last night and she will make her final visit with us next Monday on our final day. She was the one that gave all of the front desk workers a jar of huckleberry jam to thank us for our efforts to help make their tours successful.

The hunters are beginning to show up at the lodge and the deer and elk seasons are underway. We give special rates to these hunters and, for the most part, they are nice folks that become regulars every year at this time. It would be nice if I could someday be one of those hunters in Wyoming, but unless you are a resident of the state, the tags are expensive. It's great to hear about their hunting adventures.

There was a huge delay late yesterday for folks driving through the Teton National Park. An individual hit a bison crossing the highway and delayed traffic in both directions for almost an hour while the animal was cleared from the road. We don't have many details yet, but I'm sure there was severe damage to the vehicle. It is a common occurrence in this area for drivers to hit wildlife on the roads. Donna and her daughter Rachel - both  workers at the lodge - have each hit a deer along the canyon highway this year. She has had to buy replacement parts for her car to replace damaged headlights and grill components. Any time you travel along these roads in the early morning or evening hours, there is a good chance for encountering an animal of some kind.

Our week is moving along at a seemingly fast pace and we are looking forward to a week from today when we have our final shift at the lodge for the 2013 season...

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