Tuesday, September 3, 2013

A First for the Summer

For the first time this summer season, we had rain, off and on, all day long. It only rained .3 inches here, but there was rain all around us and the mountains probably held back much of the accumulation in Jackson. We didn't hear about any flash flooding in the area, but I'm sure there was some as the radar showed lots of heavy rain in the surrounding areas. The extra rain had to have helped with the wildfire situation and the air should be clear once again when it all moves out.

Another milestone was reached in our weight control efforts this year. I broke through the 200 pounds barrier at 199 this morning, while Josie also set a new low for herself. It has been at least 20 years since I was less than 200 and we both are enjoying our new eating habits and diet lifestyle since we started on January 1. We are determined to make the weight loss permanent, and the fact we are losing it slowly is a good sign that we can make that happen. Getting a lot of exercise doesn't hurt either.

It's getting tougher to suggest the popular activities in town to guests with all of the downsizing for the season. The Rodeo is now over for the season - it was held every Wednesday and Saturday during June and July, and every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday during August. The playhouse has also closed and we are thankful that we made one of the final presentations of Footloose before it ended this weekend. Our restaurant has discontinued the dinner service for Sunday and Monday nights. It used to be closed for Sunday night only. Float trips and horse back riding options have also been cut back with the slowing season. The RV park is sending 2 couples home this week so their hours are being cut back for the season. Except for two upcoming weekends in September, our lodge will be dealing with almost as many walk-ins as reservations. We will have an average of about 60 - 70 rooms vacant and available to sell for most nights in September. That represents more than a third of the total rooms (170) in the lodge. It translates into slow, and long nights behind the front desk.

As a result of the rain yesterday, we postponed the scheduled pick up of Josie's bike at the shop. That will be accomplished today - if the rain stops long enough. Right now, it is foggy and cool, so we will wait until around 10 AM to get that done. It is our Thursday today, so we are looking forward to ending another work week in a couple days...

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