Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Off to Jackson Hole Wyoming

We sat around the apartment all morning yesterday trying to decide what direction to take. It has been taking too long to put together the transfer to Temecula and we were watching in our emails all the bad information about prospects that was being entered into our leads system. While discussing all the negative activity, our long hours working, the tension that is growing among the management team and the direction the company is taking - we decided to follow our hearts and pitch this thing once and for all and go to Jackson, WY. It was a wonderful experience, but we would have caused more physical and, more importantly, more emotional damage to ourselves by staying around.

A target of noon yesterday was set to hear something from our Regional Director on the transfer to Temecula. No news came, so we drafted an email resigning from Holiday Retirement and told him that we planned to vacate the apartment by Saturday, May 19. I placed an ad on Craigslist for the TV we purchased in January that we didn't want to keep in storage. Then, we decided to take a trip to the casino while waiting to hear about our resignation. It was a fruitful trip as Josie won a jackpot that enabled us to play for a few hours and leave with more money than we had when we arrived.

There were several calls about the TV and that was sold by 9 PM last night. Craigslist is amazing. We heard from the RD about our resignation and he was upset. He asked us to vacate the apartment by 5 PM on Thursday. Wow! He went from a totally supportive and accommodating person to a jerk in just one afternoon. Of course, we will comply. Our challenge now is to get it all done by Thursday, instead of Saturday.

We will get a local storage facility to use for our household goods until after we leave WY at the end of September. Our plan now is to swing by here at that time and pick up everything and move it to our storage unit in AZ when we have more time, since our start date in Jackson is Memorial Day, the 28th of this month. We will have everything moved into storage no later than Thursday, and go to Menifee to get everything ready for the trip to Jackson that will begin on Friday the 18th.

The place we will be working in Jackson is the The Virginian, which is a place we stayed while taking a side trip through the Tetons when working in Cody 2 years ago. We will be working the front desk and working only 40 hours per week. We will work 3 days from 7 AM to 3 PM, and 2 days from 3 PM to 11 PM. There will be no ecalls, no 14 hour days in the office and no 92 hour work weeks. The money is pretty good - almost what we made at Happy Jack our first year which allowed us to save some money.

We are sorry we didn't complete our targeted time frame here, but we should get COBRA insurance for Josie which will last until she turns 65 and can get Medicare. We are looking forward to getting back to our wonderful lifestyle on the road...

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