Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Ending Another Month

Happy May Day everybody. The month of April went out quietly for us as we were working at a Community other than our own. It was a very strange ending. Normally, our Regional Director is firing scathing emails and missiles to every Community to close business, but we didn't see any of that yesterday. Some of it was because we were in a different Community and the managers were taking the wrath on the phones, but our day was pretty much like any other day of the month.

We did get ecall duty last night and as the manager indicated, ecalls are rare here. We didn't have any during last night and we only have the one more night to go - tonight. They adjusted our schedule here so that we don't have to go into work until 9:30 this morning. That means we can't leave until 7:30 tomorrow morning, stop in Vista to swap the Jeep for the truck, travel to Menifee and set up for our free time on Wednesday and Thursday AM. This is suppose to be our last duty in another community for a while.

It should get interesting when we go back to Arcadia Place on Thursday. There will be the six managers sharing the schedule for the foreseeable future and we aren't looking forward to that. As we indicated before, there just is not enough room in that office for six managers. We may be headed for a conference with our Regional Director to discuss that situation. The real problem is that there is so much overlap on duties that much of the work doesn't get done because there is no clear line drawn on responsibilities. Add to that the fact that there are only 2 computers in the office for all of us to share. We'll see what happens with that.

In the meantime, we passed on a great opportunity to work in Jackson, WY for the summer - not to mention the job we already passed on in CO. We stayed at the Virginian Lodge there while we were working in Cody and went to the Grand Tetons for a couple days. That Lodge wanted us to work from the end of May to the end of September, with good wages and a free site in their campground across the street from the Lodge. I guess we really are committed here for the immediate future...

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