Sunday, November 14, 2010

Scheduling Our Free Time

We enjoyed our off-day yesterday with another beautiful day. The first thing on the schedule was getting the flat tire repaired. The plan was to fill it with air and just drive the Jeep to get it fixed. Well, problems with my compressor nixed that idea. I ended up having to remove the tire and take it in the truck. I went to Walmart and had the flat tire repaired and dropped off Josie at the Laundromat on the way. We had both of those chores done by noon and enjoyed the rest of the day sitting outside and reading our books.

Today begins our first full day on our regular schedule. We are are trying to figure out the best way to handle our free time before we start at 5 PM. There has to be a nap in the day (today) somewhere or else we will struggle with the 10 hours of working up to 3:30 AM -including our 1/2 hour lunch break. It will probably take some trial and error during the first several work days to get the right combination. The 10 hour days also eliminate any chance to travel to local attractions on working days since we will probably be sleeping until near noon every day and that only leaves a couple hours of free time in the afternoon. Our goal is to work as much as we can and make as much money as we possibly can while here, so we are committed to that goal.

Plans for Thanksgiving next week are incomplete, but we have discussed having a potluck dinner with Karen, George, Hank, Brenda and us which would work fine. More on that as it develops.

We are also investigating options for Florida when we leave here. So far, we only know that we will probably spend Christmas Eve in Harrison, TN- at a nice state park there - near Chattanooga which is almost into Georgia. Our second night will most likely be in southern Georgia somewhere before arriving in Florida on approximately the 26th or 27th of December. Josie's sister lives in Edgewater, FL., which isn't too far from Orlando, so we might stay close to Disney World while there so we can investigate employment in and near the park.

Whatever we do, we are confident that everything will work out for us as this exciting journey continues...

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