Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Beat Goes On

One of our Amazon coaches approached us on Friday to ask if we wanted to work some "voluntary" overtime next week. There is "voluntary", and there is "mandatory" overtime. As the busy season really gets busy, there is more and more overtime required in order to process all the orders. It was early in our work week, so we indicated that we would work an extra 1/2 shift on Tuesday - one of our normal days off. We are rethinking that decision as, after yesterday, we are limping around this morning with sore muscles again. And, there are 2 more days to go for our normal week.

The good news is that we are learning our way around the vast warehouse and we were finally given a locker last night which had been promised us for a week now. The lockers are in the breakroom and they are very convenient for items that you need to carry back and forth each day - such as knee pads.  There are many storage bins that are on the floor level and require you kneel down on the floor to stow items and perform a count of the total number of items in that bin. Also, we use a small stool to reach the top bins to perform the same duties of stowing and counting. So, there is a constant up and down all day long.

The sun is out and the temperatures are warming again. So far, the weather has been mild and very nice. Supposedly, the real winter weather doesn't arrive until January or February - after we are gone. The time between work hours seems to be shrinking, so I'll call it a day for now...

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