Monday, November 15, 2010

Full Schedule Kickoff

Since it was our first day on the full 10 hour schedule - beginning at 5 PM last night - we really weren't sure when or what we should eat. We had a large dinner at around 4 PM before we left, and Josie packed a sandwich and other snacking foods for us to eat on our half hour dinner break which would be at 9:30 PM, and during our breaks at 7:30 PM and 12:30 AM . The work we do is very physical from the standpoint that we don't sit down and we are constantly moving around the warehouse floor. By the time we get a break, we don't feel much like eating, but rather we are looking for something to drink as we are sweaty and just want to sit. Today we know that we don't need to take so much food.

We were shocked when we got off work at 3:30 AM this morning as everything was frosted over including the windows on our Jeep. With the nice weather we have been having, we never expected to see frost everywhere. Actually, it was 29 degrees at the Amazon Location - 5 miles from here - but it never got below 34 at the State Park where we are located. I think the difference was that we are located on a large lake that probably keeps it a little warmer at night. Anyway, we had to sit and wait for the car to warm up before we could leave and we drove the whole way home in fairly thick fog. We'll have to make sure we are better prepared for these cold mornings which we are sure to have while we are here.

We are both happy with the job so far, and our feedback from our supervisors is very good. Physically, we expect the work to get easier as our "unused" muscles get in some kind of shape. We will definetly lose weight on this job. It also means that the blog will be posted much later on work days, but the fact we are in the Eastern time zone will still make it seem like it is pretty early for people in the west.

The final note is that the "honey wagon" that comes once a week on Mondays to empty our holding tanks came this morning while we were sleeping. The noise doesn't bother me but Josie has sharp hearing and it obviously woke her up. That is probably the only real negative for us - having to sleep part of the early day. I'm sure we will adjust to it, so we are ready for long day #2 today. Then, we have 3 days off - yeah!...

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