Friday, February 12, 2010

Ready For The Club

There were 3 rigs that came in yesterday from the "Golden Nuggets" club from Modesto. The rest of the group - 9 more rigs - is scheduled to arrive today. The big concern for us in the office is to make sure that they don't create a traffic problem in the street if they "caravan" and all show up at the same time. We only have room for two at a time before the rigs back up into the street along the front of the campground. That isn't so bad except that the road has a curve just before the entrance so that people rounding the curve can't see the backup until it's too late -CRASH! Our job, in this case, is to get everybody into the campground any way we can and clear of the street. That means siting them immediately and having them register afterwards. Every campground has it's unique situations.

The meeting we had yesterday was mostly about how to change the look of the website to make it more "user friendly". There were five of us in the meeting: Bill (Owner), Harv (Manager and original developer of the website), Jerry (The short term marketing guy I mentioned yesterday), Larry (Another staffer that is working in Maintenance and wants to get involved in Marketing) and myself (The idiot that has convinced everybody that he knows the computer). The bottom line is that any changes to the website will probably be done by me. Jerry is leaving in March, Harv has a wife with cancer and will not be spending much time in the office, and Larry has no computer experience at all. Hmmm. Somehow, I don't think I am being paid enough to do all the things they expect me to do.

We have another full day today, starting at 8 AM again. Josie had the phone all last night as it was her turn to cover after hours calls. There were none last night. There are two duties that require after hours coverage - the phone and performing night patrol at about 9 PM. Josie gets the phone occasionally, and I do night patrol occasionally. The good news is that we do get an extra hour added to our time card each time we have to perform those duties. That's about it for now...

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