Saturday, February 20, 2010

Boring Days in Office

It was another boring day for Josie in the office yesterday. There are only 3 (paying) units in the campground now. There are about 35 sites available for daily use and another 30 or so that are permanent residents that are paying a monthly fee to stay here. Bill, the owner, really can survive nicely with just the monthly fees he is getting since he owns the campground debt free. There are definitely too many people (3) working in the office every day and they end up standing around and talking most of the time. There are only so many times you can dust, clean the floors and stock the merchandise. There are no more clubs scheduled in until early March, and only a few singles are scheduled until then.

My days are another story. With all the development that is required for the website, the pressure is on to learn the software and how it all interacts with the existing systems. There is very little slack time in my days. It would be nicer if we each had balanced days but I guess it will eventually become that. We hope so.

The rain came in last night just as we were finishing up having nachos with some of the staff in the barn after work. Of course, the only reservation we had for the day showed up at exactly that time and I had to stand in the rain and help site this person - part of my job. We only had .10" of rain yesterday and I think it all came during that time last night. There is rain forecast for just about every other day for the next week so we will have to plan around the weather. There are some nice places we can go (starting tomorrow) that will keep us indoors if necessary. We'll see...

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