Monday, November 16, 2009

We Got Him!

Since we weren't sure about the type or size of trap we should get to trap a Kangaroo Rat, we decided to go to Brawley where the selection would be better. We went to the Walmart there and got two different types of traps - a regular mouse trap and a "Sticky" board that captures anything that walks on it. After Walmart, we went to McDonald's and had a quick lunch before heading back. It was a relaxing day for us as we just stayed around the rig and did some catching up on small chores.

At bedtime, we set three traps to catch the critter. Two of the regular mouse traps and one of the sticky boards. They were all placed in locations where we know he has been - on the counter tops and one on the floor under the TV. Josie and I made a little bet on when the trap would go off if he was caught in one of those. I took before midnight, and she took after midnight. When I got up this morning I saw our "friend" lying on his back, under the mouse trap that we placed on the kitchen counter. It turns out that there was no noise - at least loud enough for Josie to hear - to be able to tell who won the bet. It doesn't matter. We got him! We believe there was only one since the other traps were untouched. He definitely was a Kangaroo Rat and was about 5" long with a 6" tail. Pretty good size. Our concern now is that we hope he didn't munch on any wires during the day while he was hiding. They are supposed to be nocturnal only, so hopefully he was resting and digesting the huge chunks of banana he ate the previous two nights.

Today is an off day and Josie said she had to do laundry so we don't know if we will have time for a trip somewhere. There are a couple places we can go that aren't too far from here, so maybe we can squeeze in a short trip. That's it for now...

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