Sunday, November 29, 2009

Crazy Day

We started our day yesterday at the coffee cart again, and for the third day, we increased sales. Yesterday we did a total of $24 - still not enough to pay any bills - but each day has been better. Today will be the last day for the cart for this weekend.

I mentioned in yesterday's post that, because I didn't work my scheduled shift yesterday, that I hoped to get some pictures of the crowd at the cafe/store today. Below are a couple shots of the crowd that was there non-stop the entire day:

This was an unbelievable sight all day. People were lined up outside the cafe/store all day and we had to have staff to do crowd control to let a few people in the cafe at a time. Josie worked one of the registers, and I worked outside on the ice chests. There were two chests filled with 10 and 20 lb bags of ice. People would bring out tickets that were purchased inside, and hand them to me so I could get their ice out of the chests. Green was for small (10 lb) and yellow was for large (20 lb). there were probably 4 large bags sold for each small bag. I filled my pockets with these tickets and had to refill the chests three times during my shift between 10:30 AM and 3 PM. Prices for items in the store were out of sight. The ice sold for $4 and $7, it cost $7.50 for a pack of cigarettes, $15.99 for a 12 pack of Bud Light and Coors - and they were the cheapest beer and $3.20 for a gallon of gas at the pumps, just to name a few of the items. In addition to that, the cafe served food all day and that was also amazing as people sat everywhere outside to eat their food. It was pandemonium. We were both happy to get off at 3 PM. It is a miracle that there were no injuries with all of these ATV's and bikes coming in and out all day.

To make the day even crazier, we had winds in the AM with a few rain drops and the temperatures dropped to the low 60's. We saw that it even snowed in Julian during the day as the evening news showed kids playing in the white stuff.

We decided to open the coffee cart one more time this morning so people could get a latte before heading out if they wanted one. Other than that, our day is open.

That's about it for our Thanksgiving weekend...

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