Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Half Repairs Done

Our RV repair guy arrived at 11:30 yesterday and was here until 3 PM and only was able to do half the work. The ice maker was replaced (under warranty) very quickly but the water pump was a different story. It turns out that the ShurFlo pump that already replaced a bad pump under warranty has the exact same problem as the original had. The service tech said he had researched this specific pump for reported problems and it seems that the manufacturer has replaced many of these pumps with this problem. We could not locate a local source for another of these pumps so he took out the bad pump and will swap it for a new one (under warranty) and send the new one to me. He showed me how to connect the new one when we receive it in California - unless he can locate one in Prescott, his home base, and have me pick it up today and install it today. What a mess. We drained the fresh water tank since it does us no good to have that extra weight to tow. That created a nice mud hole next to the fifth wheel and everybody that walked by thought we had a water leak under the rig. So we will be without a water pump until the new one gets installed. As long as we can connect to water it's not a problem.

Since the RV guy was here so long yesterday we didn't get a chance to finish our errands so they have to be done today. We did get to Out of Africa and Josie closed that loop by returning her uniform and saying farewells. We also went to the post office and closed out the PO Box by returning the keys.

Today we need to gas up the vehicles and get them cleaned and ready for the trip. Josie also wants to get her nails done so we will go into Cottonwood and take care of our final errands. We plan to head out at about 9 AM tomorrow so let's hope we'll be ready...

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