Friday, July 8, 2011

Quick Recovery

Yesterday was a recovery day - for our muscles - and it appears that we are probably about 90% recovered from our aches and pains. The only activity was a short trip to the grocery store. It was another hot and humid day, so it probably was wise to stay home anyway. As hard as we tried, we couldn't stay up too late last night. Our hope was that we could stay pretty close to our work schedule as far as sleep and eating, but our bodies - and our minds - are too programmed yet for the normal hours. I'm not sure if we even want to adjust to those hours on our off days since that would mean sleeping late into the morning or early afternoon, and that would be wasting our days off. Besides, if we get transferred to days for the regular (peak) season, we will be sleeping our normal hours anyway.

We met another workamping couple yesterday that is staying here in the campground. They are originally from Iowa, but most recently were working in South Dakota and arrived in late May for this pilot program at Amazon. They work days in Receiving, which is one department that was taking day workers for the summer. They also indicated that they stayed here at the same campground last year and were happy with it. So far, we agree that the owners are very nice and very accommodating. and the park is obviously the most convenient of all the choices.

It is raining this morning and still pretty dark outside. This looks like one of those all-day rains as there is no wind, thunder or lightening. We'll have to check the forecast to find out for sure. At any rate, that about wraps up the (short) entry for today...

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