Saturday, July 9, 2011

All Day Rain

We were certainly due for a day like yesterday - slow and steady rain almost the whole day. We received over .5 inches but it was like a Seattle rain - a little bit at a time. It was kind of nice actually, to watch the rain and just sit around doing little odds and ends and not going anywhere. It gave me a chance to try to complete our online registration for direct deposit and withholding taxes for Amazon. This year they have the employees entering their own information which takes away a cumbersome activity from the HR people. It's very easy once you get entered into the system with your user names and passwords. I finally got my information in, but I cannot get past go for Josie's info. Evidently, the system in Seattle (where the payroll is processed) doesn't have her employee information ready, so I'll try again today.

We keep seeing people arriving in very small numbers. One more couple arrived the day before yesterday and they appear to be workampers as they are set up in their space for a long term visit. We can always tell the long term folks from the overnighters as the overnighters only set up as much as they need to for 1 or 2 nights. Sometimes - like us - they won't even unhitch from their rigs for the night. Amazon would have received a much better response for this pilot program if they had announced it sooner, and they are realizing that. Most people that are here for the program - ourselves included - left places where they had a commitment for the summer, but weren't getting the hours that were promised. Many others that would have come are fulfilling their obligations at the summer locations before heading back here to Campbellsville. Those are the folks that are getting their hours and are otherwise happy with their current locations. We have been communicating with several of the couples we worked with last year, and they are anxious to hear about changes, the work and other folks we all know that are here.

With just one more full day left - today - before we start our regular work schedule, we will try to go somewhere. I'm not sure we will attempt one of the "biggies" like Louisville, Lexington or Nashville, But there are still many places to see within a fairly short distance. I'll give the online system one more try this AM for Josie's info, and then it's off to (?)...

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