Thursday, July 7, 2011

Our Muscles are Awake Now

All the muscles that are rarely used are once again awake. We were prepared for a very physical night last night but we had forgotten the feeling after our first night working at Amazon last year. It's a good thing we don't have to go back until Sunday night. It would have been very difficult for us to return to work again tonight for another 10 hour workout. Both of us actually had the same complaint after last night - our lower back and our feet. We know that it won't take too long to get back into the mode we were in by the time we left last year when it became fairly easy for us to comfortably get through the work day. Overtime, although available to anybody that wants it, will definitely have to wait awhile for us.

There was no formal training - or retraining - last night. We were given our scanners and only a brief reminder on how to use them. It all came back to us quickly though, and we were off and stowing product like there was no interruption from our last day worked in December. Both of us put up some very good numbers for the night and the management was very pleased with our first day performance. Actually, our first day numbers were better than some folks who have been there every day as full time employees. There is very little change from last year, and the changes that were made are good ones. The biggest problem for us - aside from getting our muscles toned again - is to figure out the best eating schedule. We had our dinner before going to work at 5 PM last night and only took snacking food for our dinner break which was at 9:30 PM. That seemed to work well except we were hungry when we got off work. I don't think we will be changing that schedule too much though as we don't want to have a large meal before going to bed at 4 AM.

The heat was intense on the work floor all night long. We were told that if the temperature in the warehouse ever reaches 120 degrees, they shut down the plant. The highest it has been during the summer months is 108. That's still way too warm. Josie and I both were wet rags when we got off work this morning, and couldn't wait to get showers before going to bed. It's a different experience here working in the summer but, so far, we are glad we made the decision to come.

Today is a recovery day and we probably won't do much more than going to the grocery store. The posts will be a little later in the day on work days, but shouldn't make much difference. That's it for today...

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