Thursday, July 8, 2010

Motor Maids in Town

It actually began before the holiday weekend, but as of yesterday the entire town of Cody is jammed with motorcycles. It is the Motor Maids Convention in town for the week. Every room in town is booked for the week and there are activities each day that result in having motorcycles on every street in town. They are a very nice group of lady's that have spent a lot of time - and money - in our gift shop. Josie has been busier than at any time since we arrived. The front desk is business as usual, as we have sold out the Village Cabins just about every day anyway. Yesterday was the grand parade for them and there must have been 200 motorcycles coming down the street in formation. We were at work so we didn't have the camera. Some of these ladies are in their 70's and have been attending this convention for more than 40 years. Some spectacle!

We are going to go to Billings today and check out Costco and some other, what has become to us, "rare" stores. The trip will take about 1 1/2 hours each way so it should take up most of the day. Our plan tomorrow is to take the Bighorn Canyon boat trip so we'll see how the arrangements work out. We will go with another couple, Karen and her husband, and it should be a fun day. Until tomorrow...

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