Thursday, July 15, 2010

Another Week Down

Before heading to work yesterday, we had a nice lunch at a Mexican restaurant that is about a block from us. This is a place that has an outdoor-cafe type seating arrangement where you can watch all of the local activity in town while dining. We were entertained while eating, watching a group of young kids prepare for a rafting trip at the outfitters location across the street. There were probably 30 kids, ranging in age from about 8 to 12, and they all put on their life jackets before boarding a bus to go launch the rafts. It must have been an exciting day for all of them.

This was a particularly busy work week for both Josie and I and we were happy to see it end last night. It still amazes us how all the hotels and motels in the Cody area, all 30 of them, are booked solid every night of the week. We are always getting at least a half dozen people every night coming in and asking if we have a vacancy. There must be lots of people that travel through the night to find a place or that sleep in their cars. It's an absolute requirement this time of year to make a reservation.

After a discussion with Karen about trying to see if there are any openings for a rafting trip while we are off, our plans are in flux again. Josie has also said that she would like to go to Meeteetse, a small town about 25 miles south of Cody that has some neat old west attractions. That town is on the way to Thermopolis, which is about 100 miles from here and is a favorite location for viewing Dinosaur ruins and museums, and hot springs. So, with that, our trip to Billings may be delayed again for a while. We will finalize plans for our "weekend" this morning.

No matter what we plan to do, the weather is fabulous and definetly will not interfere with whatever we plan. The temps are in the mid to high 80's for the most part, and there is very little rain which occasionally arrives in the form of a brief thunderstorm a couple days a week. It is hardly enough rain - about 20 minutes, usually - to have any effect. There is no humidity and very few bugs of any kind. It is a "keeper" area for sure...

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