Saturday, January 6, 2018

Prep Day

First of all, I wanted to show this neat shot that Josie took of the sunrise yesterday morning on the way to work:

Sunrise and sunset are usually great times for photos in Arizona.

There wasn't any notification from our property managers yesterday about any activity. We do know that the minor fixes were to be started and the new keys placed in the lock box. We were disappointed that we didn't get any paperwork to sign as there are several items that we need to complete. One is the tenants deposit reconciliation and another is the listing data. This is a busy time for the property manager as the first part of each month is a race to complete bank deposits, reconcile rents received and issue draws to owners. We expect to close these loops on Monday.

We are getting very anxious to get this home sale behind us so that we can move on. Decisions will be made as we go along through the process. I can say with some certainty that we have eliminated any possibility of renting any property. There just aren't any real good options there that we have seen and the money would be better spent either owning some property or saving the money in a bank. With no house payment or expenses, we should save a bunch. Of course, we would still have the RV space expenses but they are small in comparison.

We are definitely moving closer to solutions...

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