Sunday, April 3, 2011

Accessing the Payroll System

The main accomplishment yesterday was gaining access to the ADP payroll system online to make changes to the deductions - for Josie. I still have no access to the data for my information, except to be able to register for the system. Once I get past the log-in screen, it doesn't allow me access to my information. We have everything set up for Josie now, which is half the battle.

It was another day as expected at work. Since I was not able to use one of the terminals at the front desk, I did more standing around, making copies of welcome packets, driving guests to sites so they could choose one and generally, feeling useless. Another day like that looms today.

Following work, we went into town at Big Pine Pine Key to gas up the Jeep and we saw a deer crossing the road in front of us. I haven't mentioned yet that there is a deer sanctuary on Big Pine Island that is home for what is called Key Deer. Actually, it is a National Refuge for the deer that are unique to the Florida Keys, and is an endangered species. We haven't seen any of these deer while driving past the Refuge until the last 2 days. Friday, there was one walking through the parking lot at the shopping center and 2 more that we spotted on the way home from the store. Of course, we didn't have the camera then. We took a picture of the one yesterday, but it wasn't clear so we won't post it. I'm sure we will get a chance to take more shots of them before we leave. They are much smaller than the deer we are used to seeing on the mainland.

Thankfully, our week ends today. Part of what we will do on our days off involves developing a plan for our departure from here. Timing is very important, since we aren't sure if they would want us to stay here for the 2 weeks notice we will give. We really aren't prepared to leave right away, since we aren't due in Cody until mid May, and we can use the extra money for our gas to travel there. On the other hand, it is not ethical to wait until a day or two before we actually leave to tell them. The only certainty is that now, we are leaving.

The first cut at a travel plan indicates that it will be approximately 2800 miles from here to Cody. With extended stopovers in Edgewater to visit Josie's sister, and in New Orleans, it will take at least 12 days. That assumes an average travel day of around 300-350 miles, which is a little longer than we like, but do-able. We'll let you know when the plan is finalized...

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