Saturday, February 26, 2011

Wind Changes Plans

It was very windy when we got up and started our day. Much too windy to play golf, so we planned to do some local stuff. The last time we were here at the Thousand Trails campground, we stopped at a fruit stand up the road a bit and bought a bag of fresh, locally grown oranges. They were so good that we went back yesterday and bought some more. The season is about over for those, so it was a good time to go.

We also needed to get a prescription for Josie for high blood pressure. She had been on medication for that but the combination of being away from her doctor for over 2 years, and not seeing another doctor in our travels, resulted in her not being able to get it refilled. When they took her blood pressure at the hospital, it was very high, and they would have given her a prescription for her medication if she had known the proper dosage. Of course, she didn't have the bottle with her from the last prescription so they couldn't do it. Yesterday, we went back to the hospital - with the empty prescription bottle - and got a new prescription for her. By the way, her thumb is also healing nicely.

While going out of the campground we came across these sandhill cranes that were doing a mating dance and we were able to capture them between steps:

 They were jumping up and down but we couldn't catch them in the air. There were 5 in this group, so we don't know which one was odd-man-out.

I also called yesterday and made an appointment to have our fifth wheel washed and scrubbed by a local mobile detailer today. For $80, they pressure wash the roof and wash the whole rig which is so dirty it is almost embarrassing. We are not allowed to wash our own since there are severe water shortages in this area and the campground forbids it. The detailer brings in his own water which is why we are able to use him. He is due to arrive at 9 AM, which is about the time I have to leave for work. I work from from 10:00 til 4:30 today, and then have off until Monday. That's it for now...

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