Saturday, February 19, 2011

Smooth Transfer

We were right on schedule yesterday with the move to the Sherwood Forest campground. The time was 10:45 when we dropped off the cabin key at the office and checked out of the storage area. The storage area was located in a very sandy area of the park and they told us in the office when we checked in last week to beware of the soft sand while locating a spot to park our fifth wheel. We found a spot that was better than most but it still was in an area with some soft sand - most of which wasn't under the rig, but under the tow vehicle. It's a good thing we have 4-wheel drive on the truck, as it was needed to get us out of the spot. As mentioned, the fifth wheel was fine, but the truck sank down pretty good with the weight of the rig all hitched and ready.

It was only about a half hour before we arrived at the new location and this time we weren't given a choice of our space, but had to take one that was pre-assigned. Even though it is a little tight (below), it will do for a week:

We had to park the truck behind the fifth wheel, and the Jeep is squeezed in on the front.

The rest of the day was spent getting the inside organized again and Josie did a load of laundry.

It was really too much to hope that I wouldn't catch the very bad cold that Josie is starting to get over. I woke up this morning with a sore throat and I have to go to work today at 1:30. Wonderful. I just hope that it doesn't get as bad as Josie's. This week I have Tuesday also scheduled to work with Sunday (tomorrow) off. Weird scheduling, I'll say. I'm anxious to see the new schedule for the following week which will be the first full week of Spring Training. It needs to have more than the 2 six hour days per week that I am currently working. I'm sure it will work out...

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