Thursday, November 25, 2010

Heavy Rain, No Agenda

We saw the national weather radar on the Today show and it showed a heavy rain storm heading right at Kentucky. It arrived! The rain started early and was steady most of the day - .65". As a result of the rain, we decided to stay home and do some catching up. Josie did some laundry while I did some computer catch up stuff. We took a trip to Walmart to get a few things for Christmas and a few grocery items but other than that, we did nothing but watch it rain. It's ok to have days like that once in a while.

One of the items we purchased at Walmart was the movie Toy Story 3. We have the other two, and wanted to complete the set. The price we saw at Walmart was $3 less than the one at the grocery store, so we got it. Then, we saw that we could get it at - with our employee discount - for $3 less than Walmart. We ordered it from Amazon and will return the one we bought at Walmart. This morning, I see that has their Black Friday sale and the same movie we bought online yesterday is another $3 off! If we had been thinking, we could have waited until today and gotten the best price. Sometimes we don't think. Maybe we'll return it again for the second time.

Our Thanksgiving dinner will be at the Creek Side Restaurant with about 30 people. We will leave here about 12:30 for the 1PM buffet meal with Karen, George, Hank and Brenda. It should be nice. Have a great day everybody...


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