Monday, November 8, 2010

Final Day Before New Job Starts

The morning was cool but bright and sunny yesterday. It was the first freeze of the season but it only went down to 32 and today has already started out warmer - the low last night was 38. Once again, it is a cloudless, blue sky.

We took a walk around the lake and were surprised at how many boats and fishermen there were for this time of year. We got the following pictures of just a couple of those:

In the first picture, in addition to the blue boat that is clearly visible, there are 2 men in a boat in the upper center of the picture fishing along the bank. The yellow lines are the swimming area markers along the beach. The guy in the second picture wasn't wasting time getting back to the launch.

Our "Meet and Greet" meeting is today at 11 AM. We will get an introduction to our work schedules and have pictures taken for badges, meet supervisors and discuss other work related items. It is a 2 hour meeting and we are wondering if we will get paid for this time - we'll let you know. Evidently, we will all work a few 5 hour days for training before our regular schedules begin. By the time we get started on our regular work schedule, we calculate that we have lost almost 3 weeks of our committed time here (2 weeks as a result of starting late and 1 week of a short schedule). It may be made up though with some overtime. We understand that the time between Thanksgiving and the 23rd of December is super busy and there will be a lot of mandatory and voluntary overtime. If we are still alive and well, we will welcome the overtime.

Our "honey wagon" is scheduled today to come and empty our holding tanks. We had no problem going the week without a sewer hookup, so we should be fine with that schedule of once a week. Of course, we have been taking our showers in the bathhouse which has saved on filling our "grey" water tank. That hasn't been bad either, since they are very nice and clean. It's off to work we go...

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