Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Another Update

There are many things that we found to do to stay sane throughout this pandemic experience. Even though we aren't traveling or going to a lot of places locally, we still manage to find interesting projects to keep us busy. A lot has been happening.

We are still doing as much as we can in the heat to improve our flower bed/garden area. We are getting an estimate from our landscaper to build a garden plot off of our patio. We probably won't do that, but we would like to know what is involved anyway. In the meantime, we enjoy seeing the wildlife from our patio and we consistently see this little guy roaming around our patio every day:

He/she can't be more than a week or two old.

We also have been enjoying the transformation of the ironwood tree by the green in our back yard. It is beautiful with the lavender or purple pedals that it has at this time of the year:

Finally, to end the outside events, we have a photo of the blooming cactus that looks like this for only one day before losing all its blooms:

Another project that we have been working on part time is the second puzzle that we have acquired. This one is one we bought from Amazon and is 1000 pieces. It was difficult from the standpoint that all the pieces are shaped the same and the only differentiating characteristic is the color on each piece. It still is a nice picture of the Grand Teton National Park:

We plan to get another one of 1000 pieces soon.

Finally, the good news from Patty's home is the first look at the new puppy that they will bring home sometime in mid May. These are the two "boys" that they have selected from the litter and one goes to Michael:

How precious are they?

Stay safe and healthy everybody. Till next time...

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