Sunday, December 1, 2019

Tree is Up

We got a start on Christmas over the weekend by putting up the tree. It is actually late this year with the shorter time frame between Thanksgiving and Christmas. This is our 2019 tree:

We still have some decorating to do in the house but the main feature is ready to go. This year, we will not have as much in the way of decorations. The outside lights will be omitted except for a couple small items as we were the only folks on the block last year that had a display outside. It seems that most of the people on the block either go away for the holidays or are too old or bothered to install the Christmas decorations. I must admit, it is a hassle to get out the lights and decorations only to put them back in a month. It is the spirit that counts, not the show of decorations - right?

Josie started back at the flower shop yesterday and it was a good day for her. She was welcomed back and was given her schedule for December. She will work 4 days one week and three the next for altrernating weeks. That is just the way she wants it - not full time, but enough days to make some money and stay active in the business. It's good to see her without so much stress for a change.

There were some good football games on TV yesterday. The traditional rivalries were played out yesterday with a couple surprises, but mostly outcomes according to projections. The ASU/AZ game was a good one but ASU won as expected. The pros play today and we are getting closer to playoff time. A lot can happen in the few weeks remaining and it should be interesting to watch....

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