Thursday, January 14, 2010

Short Work Week

The schedule that we both have for working here is very short. Josie is done for the week after working two days at 7.5 hours each, and I am done today after working three days at 5 hours each. The only problem with that nice schedule is that it only pays for our space - but I guess that's not all bad either. The Palm Springs area at this time of year is very difficult for RVer's. Almost all of the parks are booked solid and if you can find a space anywhere it will cost at least $45 per day or $700 per month. As I said before, this arrangement will do for us while we are here even though we can't grow the bank account.

Josie said the complaints continued yesterday. Most of them were about the WiFi in the park. It is almost impossible to log on to the park network because people are using the bandwidth (available download time) for making calls to family utilizing the Skype software and the built in cameras they have on their computers. It will always be a problem unless the park makes changes to their network package. We will continue to use our Verizon data card and have as much access as we need. So much for the technical stuff.

After cleaning the pool in the morning, I spent the rest of my time working on the mini golf course we have here. The old carpet has been torn up and we are scraping the old glue off the cement to prepare the course for new carpeting. It's physical, but not back breaking.

We have to get our things together today that we are taking on our trip tomorrow. Josie will do laundry while I work today and we will pack our bags for an early departure in the morning. I'm not sure about the blog schedule for this weekend, but I expect to still be able to do the entries every day, but the time of day may vary. That's it for now...

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