Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Miscellaneous Stuff

Yesterday was one of those lazy, let's just hang out days. Josie did some organizing of her recipes and I mostly used the day to follow up on emails to people and try to begin organizing for tax time. One of the emails was to Doubletree, our fifth wheel manufacturer, to try to shake loose a check that they owe us for the water pump warranty repairs. They owe us for the first pump (remember, we are on our 3rd ShurFlo water pump) that was replaced way back in early October. They have assured us that the check will be mailed this morning, at the latest. Sure, we know how the check's-in-the-mail game is played. I also wanted to make sure that my paycheck from Thousand Trails doesn't go to our Florida address, so I sent an email to Kate, the manager, to hold it for me to pick up before we leave. It's important for us to make sure we receive these checks as we don't expect to see another until our first checks at the new place - Desert Pools - in Desert Hot Springs.

We did venture out in the afternoon to Bed Bath & Beyond which is about 7 miles from us. We had a couple 20% off coupons and we needed to get some more coffee for our Keurig coffee maker so we accomplished that. Even with the 20% off coupons, I discovered that it is cheaper to get these coffee packs from Amazon.com, since there is no tax applied and no shipping charges and can be ordered in larger quantities. Anyway, Josie also found some Christmas clearance stuff that was 75% off and she got those for next year.

Today may find us taking a short trip someplace where we haven't been before, there are a couple things we thought about, so we'll let you know tomorrow.

Just about every night we get the most beautiful sunsets here and I thought I would end this day's post with a picture of the sunset from last night. Take care...

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