Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Invited Back Next Year

One of the best signs that your work is appreciated is to be invited back the following year. After work yesterday, Josie took the cart up to the rig of the on-site manager (he and his wife were off Monday-Tuesday) to review some of the things that were done and some that were not done so they can handle them while we have our days off. The manager asked Josie if we were planning to come back next year and she said we hadn't been asked, so he told her he had recommended to the General Manager that we be given invitations back. There are several staff members that will not be asked to return so it made us feel pretty good. This is one of the better paying jobs in one of the nicer areas of Arizona so it's good to have the invitation in our pocket if we don't have other plans. We would have to give it serious consideration since there wouldn't be a learning curve or training requirement when we returned.

Without going off on too much of a tangent, we talked last night about this Workamping life. We both agreed that we wished we had started earlier. There is no tension, we are getting to stay at nice places virtually free, we have time to see the areas, we work in a happy, relaxed environment and we can choose where to go and what to do. And we get paid to do it! We deal only with people that are on vacation or retired and want to be happy and enjoy their stay. True, it may not be for everybody, but we have yet to talk to anyone who wasn't happy he/she made the choice. We have just about everything that we had in our house only with no wasted space. You realize that the things you got rid of to live this lifestyle were only "stuff", and not required or needed to be happy. Enough of that for now.

Today, we plan to go to Flagstaff for some shopping and Bob's appointment at the hearing center. We don't know if there will also be time to do our mini-trip on the Forest Service Road but will do that tomorrow if not today. Tomorrow is Josie's birthday so we have to do something special for that. It is a little more difficult to plan something without her knowledge since we both are together all the time.

Stay tuned to see what happens...

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