Sunday, December 9, 2018

Fruit Picking Time

It appears that our fruit trees are producing some nice fruit that are about ready to pick. We picked some oranges and lemons from the trees yesterday and we ate a couple of the oranges - nice and sweet and juicy! We are going to pick more today and maybe even make some juice out of some of them so as not to waste any. These shots were taken of the trees where the fruit is ready:

This first one is of an orange tree that is naval oranges. These oranges are huge, and are very juicy although not as sweet as the other oranges-

This tree has both oranges and lemons. The previous owner took out the branches from this tree that were producing grapefruit and replaced (grafted) them with lemons. The rest of the tree is oranges and they are very sweet and juicy:

Here is another photo of the "mixed" tree with the view of our neighbor's tree that is also full and ready to be picked:

There will be no shortage of oranges or lemons this year. These shots don't even include the largest of all of the trees which has no fruit ready to be picked. I didn't take a photo of that tree.

It looks like a nice day for fruit picking as it will go to about 72 today. I fertilized all of the trees shortly after we moved into the house in May, so it looks like some of that effort is about to pay off. We will have to be patient with the larger tree.

It's almost time to "tune-in" to the football games for today. The only one of real interest today is the Cardinals game with the Lions. Maybe the Cards can get lucky again and win another. The big game for me this weekend will be the Monday Night game between the Seahawks and the Vikings which will go a long way in determining who makes the playoffs...

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