Monday, June 10, 2013

Heating Up

Our temperature rose to 84 yesterday making it the warmest day so far this year. The only activity we did yesterday, aside from our work day, was to take a trip to the grocery store to get a few items. There was enough computer stuff to do that we just got caught up on things to do around the rig. One of the major computer tasks is to reorganize all our photos. We have taken so many shots of our travels that I want to sort all the photos into easily accessible albums. Plus, there are photos from years past that I would like to organize and there thousands of photos that are affected. Some of our pictures are ones that we also want to blow-up and print, so there is enough to do there to keep us busy for a long time.

I grilled some burgers for our dinner before heading to work at 3 PM and we had a much slower day than Saturday since the car rally folks are all gone. We expect some slower days over the next week or so before the real summer crowds begin to show. From about late June to the end of summer, we expect sellouts most of the days.

Our work day was with Donna and she told us about a road she drove in Alpine, about 20 miles south of here, to find a fishing hole where she caught several trout on her day off on Friday. It sounded so good to us from her description  that we are going to drive there ourselves this morning before work. She described how beautiful the road was and about all the wildflowers she saw. Although it is partly cloudy this morning, we will venture to Alpine to check it out...

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