Friday, November 27, 2009

Coffee Cart and Dinner

We hope everybody had a great Thanksgiving.

Our first day on the coffee cart was about as we expected. Josie and I arrived at 6:15 AM yesterday to get things set up to open by 7 AM. Below is a picture of the cart at opening time:

The cart is actually pretty nice inside and roomy, as you can see below:

The business for the first day was kind of a joke. We did a total of 3 latte sales and we gave away 5 latte's to employees (Ha). Of course, there weren't many people in the park yet as most of them were scheduled to check in during the day. That, plus the word didn't get around to everybody that was already in the park. We got rave reviews though on all of the drinks we (Josie) made. I took orders and was on the register. We'll try it again today.

Our scheduled shift at the cafe between 10:30 AM and 2 PM was cancelled because the crowd at the cafe was small. The kitchen was closed for Thanksgiving, so they didn't need extra people. The store in the cafe was open until 2 PM, but the regular staff could handle that small crowd.

The dinner at the cafe was a success. There were 24 people and we had lots of food. Each family brought a dish or two, and we had all the normal turkey day fare, plus a few exotic dishes we never had before. The only dish that was missing was candied sweet potatoes - how did that happen(?). The picture below shows the seating for dinner in the cafe. The food was placed on the counter which is not visible in the picture, but it took up the whole length of the counter.

Following dinner, we went to the office to work our scheduled time there until 9 PM. It was a fairly long day and we get to do pretty much the same schedule today, but without the dinner. That time will be filled with more time in the office.

We also got a feel for what was going to happen in December, as far as cart operation and guests scheduled for the park. It seems that the week between Christmas and New Years will be a very busy one, but in the meantime, the cart will be closed and there won't be a lot of people in the park. This is not good news for us, as we need this place to start filling up so we can work for pay. Josie and I are seriously thinking of having a sit-down talk with the owner to discuss other options - right after the Thanksgiving Weekend. We'll keep you posted...

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