Saturday, March 21, 2020

Coronavirus Update From Our House

It is an unbelievable situation that the world is facing with the Coronavirus Pandemic. It is also unbelievable how our country is handling it and how we, locally, are following recommendations that have been issued by our government. We are all staying home from most all activities except for necessary shopping for essentials. I went to our local Fry's yesterday for some of these essentials and, of course, the shelves were mostly empty. I spoke with a store clerk who suggested shopping at 6 AM in the morning when the store opened - with their new hours - after all the shelves have been restocked during the night. I took his advice and went to the store at 5:45 AM this morning. Here is a shot of the situation outside the store 15 minutes before opening:

A manager came out about 10 minutes before opening to announce that they were going to let about 10 people in a time to keep control of the flow. Of course, the picture above was taken of the line I was standing in which was one of two at the store. By the time the store opened, the lines were double.

Let me just say that I was able to get the most important essentials - toilet paper and water - but the shelves were still mostly empty of other items I was after. I guess it will be this way for as long as the crisis is with us. At least we now have a sufficient supply of the most important essentials.

Today, I plan to file unemployment for Josie who is basically out of work as her shop has closed temporarily. We are all hoping that the package being worked by our government to issue checks to most citizens goes through the approval process quickly. We should be in pretty good shape no matter what happens as long as we can remain healthy.

We hope all of you are taking care of yourselves and get through this crisis without any serious problems....

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