Saturday, January 4, 2020

Christmas Packed Away

Yesterday was spent packing away the balance of Christmas decorations that were around the house. We took down the tree and packed it in its box again for another year. It is always sad to take down the decorations but it is a relief when it is all done.

We are getting some interest in the sale of our RV package - the truck and 5th wheel. I have advertised it in several 5th wheel forums (free) and have received one call from an individual in Arlington, TX who is a new RV-er and wants to buy a quality package of vehicle and trailer without breaking the bank. I'm their man! He is knowledgeable enough to know that the Mobile Suites is a quality unit and so is the Ford F350 diesel truck. With low mileage on the truck, he is very interested. We'll see how that progresses as we are communicating back and forth and he is asking "buying" questions.

Our next big project is to move all he boxes and other stuff away from the edges of the garage so that the termite people can have access to the interior walls of the garage. That is no small task and we wish we could do it with some sense of finality but know there is just too much sorting and repacking involved to make that happen.

Now, if we can just get some nice, warm weather to be able to sit outside again...

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