Saturday, September 18, 2010

Baby Shower for Supervisor

Yesterday was pretty much a stay at home day as a result of the scheduled baby shower for our Supervisor, Pernille. She is having her first child around the 15th of December, so the remaining workampers decided to have the shower for her before everybody leaves in the next two weeks. Josie went at about 1 PM and took the following shots of Pernille while she opened her gifts:

That's Judie Blair, the owner of the Blair Hotels and our "big" boss in the foreground. The shower was held in what we call the Sarsaparilla Saloon, located in the rear of the Gift Shop and used for such gatherings and parties. It is also where the Village conducts it's continental breakfast for guests each morning.

It was chilly and a little breezy all day so not much else was done. We did go to the Hungry Bear Pizza and Italian Restaurant for dinner. We ordered a 16" pizza because we were both hungry, but only ate half of it and brought the rest back for eating today.

Winter is on the way. It went down to 35 last night and this morning we put on the heater for the first time since we've been here. Usually, our electric fireplace will heat the rig, but not fast enough when it's this cold. Both of them are on to warm up the place in a hurry. We are still on the first tank of propane since we arrived, so that's an indication of how little we used it so far.

New work hours begin for us today. We both start work a half hour earlier, and leave one hour earlier which nets out to a half hour less working each day. The countdown to leaving has begun...

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