Friday, October 30, 2009

Making Arrangements

All of the reservations that were made at the two membership parks were canceled yesterday. The stay here at the Western Horizon park was also shortened to Wednesday, November 4, as that is the day we will leave for Ocotillo Wells, CA. Actually, we will stay at another Western Horizon Park - The Colorado River Oasis, across the river from Blythe, CA - on Wednesday night and plan to arrive at our new location on Thursday. We could have actually made the trip in one day since it is only about 390 miles from here but decided to take it easy.

Josie is scheduled off for the next three days so she plans to call her manager tomorrow or Sunday to let her know about our new plans. There appears to be a lot of extra people working there right now until the park gets busy in the winter so Josie doesn't feel as bad as if they were short handed.

We now have to give up the PO Box that we struggled to get and have to let our mail forwarding service know about the new address. That has worked out very well so far since we just have to call them and tell them to hold our mail until we arrive at a new location. They only had to send one mailing to our PO Box in Camp Verde, but who knew it would change so fast?

The only other thing we need to take care of is getting Josie current with her prescriptions before we leave. We hope there is a Walgreen's in one of the close towns after we move. There has to be - they are on almost every corner in most towns. We will Google Walgreen's to find the nearest pharmacy.

That's about it for now - the excitement is building as it is again only 24 degrees outside as I write this. Who ever thought it would be this cold in Camp Verde? It must be about 10 degrees in Happy Jack - glad we're out of there...

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